Tilligerry RSL

Duo with Jedi Browne at Tilligerry RSL 7:30-10:30pm

Jewells Tavern

GB Band with Darren Brollo on Drums and Georgia Hazzard on bass at Jewells Tavern 8-11:30pm

Merewether Bowling Club

Solo at Merewether Bowlo 4-7pm

Mary Ellen Hotel

Duo with Georgie on bass at Mary Ellen 8-11pm

Islington, NSW, Australia +
61 Maitland Road
Islington, NSW 2296

DV8 at The Wicko 8:30-11:30pm

Seabreeze Hotel, Nelson Bay

Solo at the Seabreeze, Nelson Bay 3-6pm

Hotel Jesmond

Solo at Hotel Desmond 8-11pm

Salamander Bay, NSW, Australia +
Salamander Tavern
Town Centre Circuit & Salamander Way
Salamander Bay, NSW 2317

Duo with Jed Browne at Salamander Tavern 8-11pm

Duke of Wellington Hotel, New Lambton

Solo at The Duke 8:30-11:30pm

Pippis at the Point, Speers Point

Duo with Georgia Hazzard on bass at Pippis 8:30-11:30pm

Murray's Brewery

Solo at Murrays Brewery 1-4pm